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Refund Policy

Return & Refund Policy

Hotservers reserves the right to stop offering and/or supporting the Service or a particular website or part of the Service at any time either permanently or temporarily, at which point your license to use the Service or any part of it will be automatically terminated or suspended. If that happens, Hotservers is not required to provide refunds, benefits or other compensation to users in connection with discontinued elements of the Service or for digital banners previously earned or purchased. Hotservers is also not required to provide refunds if your server is temporarily/forever stopped.

In case of technical issues related to the use of hotservers.org, which prevent/hinder the display of prepaid by our customers services, the period of those services will be extended accordingly.

Deleting your Account:

You may stop using the Service at any time and may request that We stop making active use of your data at any time by following the instructions in the Privacy Policy. Unless the local law where you are located requires otherwise, We are not required to provide refunds, benefits or other compensation if you request deletion of your Account.



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